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Colaborating with the Department of Energy

providing Vieques with solar energy through the Solar Access Program.



ViequesLove is a federally recognized 501c3 non profit organization that was formed to provide immediate aid to Vieques Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria devastated the island on Sept 20th, 2017.



To initiate, support, coordinate and implement sustainable community programs and to foster collaboration with groups and individuals working to improve the quality of life in Vieques, Puerto Rico



To facilitate the collaboration of community groups and local government to design and implement a transformation of Vieques into a resilient and sustainable island prepared for an unpredictable future.

where we work.

Vieques, Puerto Rico

Vieques, is an island 7 miles off the coast of Puerto Rico, a commonwealth of the United States. As an island off an island, it is logistically challenging to get supplies or building materials here. Much of the help coming to Puerto Rico never makes it to Vieques. These challenges make not only recovery, preparation and mitigation difficult, but day-to-day living as well.


ViequesLove has the advantage of local knowledge, true love for the island, and the commitment of our team working for a better tomorrow and a more resilient island. Our families live here, our children go to school here, Vieques is our home. 



Hurricane Maria / Climate Change


Covid 19

Pandemic Response



of access to Basic Services


Disaster Preparedness

Disasters come in many forms and preparation can mean the difference between life and death. ViequesLove works year-round for community-wide preparedness and actively mitigates potential risks to the community by establishing programs focused on the root of the problem. Our participation in and connection to other relief organizations expands the island’s capacity for resilience.

•  Official member of the National VOAD

(Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster)

•  One of two elected NGOs to serve on the COE

(Municipal Center of Emergency Operations)

  Leader of the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)

Official volunteer with Vieques Emergency Management

Supporter and participant of the Radio Communications Network

Member of CANVAS advocacy group for disaster recovery and resilience

Community Reslience

The island of Vieques is isolated from government support and vulnerable to both severe infrastructure damage and physical harm to residents during natural disasters. ViequesLove works with any agency or organization that could potentially increase the island’s capacity for preparing or managing a crisis. 


Having less than .3% of the population of Puerto Rico, Vieques suffers from a critical lack of representation in government. Targeted advocacy is an imperative to raising awareness leading to the allocation of funds, the construction of infrastructure, the development of the local economy, and the provision of necessary resources from both government and nongovernment sources.

Our Progams


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ViequesLove is working with the Department of Energy and helping them identify homes in Vieques which could benefit from reliable solar energy systems. The Solar Access Program will provide reliable energy to many of the most vulnerable low-income communities specifically low-income households identified by the DOE as those households that experience long and frequent power outages OR low-income households that have a resident with a medical condition or disability that depends on electricity. Contact us to apply!

Covid Pandemic Response

ViequesLove was an integral part of the vaccination events that provided vaccines and boosters to over 78% of the population in early 2021. Support and collaboration provided to the National Guard, Dept. of Health, Fajardo Group Practice, Emergency Management, and the Covid Contact Tracing Team by ViequesLove was critical to the success of the events. 

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Street Naming Project

Over 200 streets on Vieques do not have official names, hindering emergency response and disaster relief efforts. The project, Vieques Nombra Sus Calles, provides and coordinates a participatory mechanism utilizing Viequense historians and door-to-door canvassers to assist residents in selecting names that reflect the culture, history, and ecology of their location and the island.

Preparedness & Representation

Disasters come in many forms. Some are inflicted by nature, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, or pandemics. Others are manmade and include everything from infrastructure failures and major accidents to terrorist attacks. In the extreme, preparation can mean the difference between life and death. In less severe events, the amount of damage and human suffering is greatly affected by the level of community preparedness.

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Asset Mapping Project

The Asset Mapping Project surveys organizations and maps the applicable emergency related resources of all NGOs, churches, agencies, schools, businesses, organizations and key individuals to better allocate assets and to manage and define roles in any upcoming crisis situation in Vieques. 

•  Official member of the National VOAD
    (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster)

•  One of two elected NGOs to serve on the COE
    (Municipal Center of Emergency Operations)

  Member of the CERT
    (Community Emergency Response Team)

Official volunteer with Vieques Emergency Management

Supporter and participant of the Radio Communications Network

Member of CANVAS advocacy group for disaster recovery 


we love Vieques

Since its formation in 2017 on the night of Hurricane Maria, ViequesLove has become an impactful force in mitigating risk due to adverse situations such as hurricanes, a pandemic, and lack of access to basic resources for health and safety. 


upcoming projects that need your support

ViequesLove takes lessons learned from obstacles or hardship during crisis events and develops tools and solutions to reduce risk to the community.



ViequesLove is grateful for caring friends like you who make our mission possible. Your generosity helps build hope, stability, and a brighter future for Vieques


Stay connected on community events, volunteer opportunities, and workshops for preparedness.


Preparedness is year round work. Meet  team that works daily on initiating projects critcal for resilience.




Since 2017

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria ViequesLove encountered challenges that were overcome by working together as a community. Innovative solutions were found for obstacles due to a power and communications blackout. Risk mitigation required the ability and vision to look at what was to come that would pose a risk to the residents or even loss of life. Our projects were born of this vision and applied to the Covid pandemic or even daily life on an island with an unstable supply chain.


Grassroots Org Founded

Work we're proud of

Raised $1.3 million for Hurricane Maria recovery. Landed the first plane with supplies and satellite phones to Vieques establishing communication lines for critical life-saving needs. 


Hurricane Recovery

ViequesLove's team on the ground continually assessed the needs of the community still without power and sometimes water, to assist in areas such as supporting a radio communications network, purchasing medicine and critical health supplies, and supporting rebuilding organizations. 


Pandemic Response

Designed and implemented a Covid contact tracing system and education campaign

  • Landing the first supply plane 5 days after Hurricane Maria

  • Critical life-saving evacuations

  • Purchasing critical infrastructure parts for generators and pumps

  • Landing a C130 military plane full of solar survival gear

  • Supporting and helping to establish HAM and MURS radio networks

  • Installing solar lights on key docking locations for safe marine transit

  • Providing critical medications, food and water, solar lights and over 100 generators to operate necessary medical equipment 

  • Support to other NGOs providing aid such as VER providing assistance to cancer patients, Hope Builders rebuilding homes damaged by the storm, Corefi caring for the sick and elderly and Fe Que Transforma assisting the most vulnerable families.

  • Support to all schools on Vieques with supplies, generators, and internet

  • With the help from Salvation Army provided water cisterns powered by solar pumps to each school. 

  • Purchased a portable ventilator for use by Emergency Management and the Vieques CDT

  • With the onset of the pandemic used lessons learned from the past crisis to mitigate risk to the community

  • Immediately purchased large supplies of PPEs and set up an inventory system for first responders and front line workers

  • Designed and implemented a Covid 19 contact tracing system and education campaign

  • Trained and supported the Contact Tracing Team while securing a grant for the Municipal Government to secure their continued work



With the onset of the pandemic used lessons learned from the past crisis to mitigate risk to the community

Contact Us



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P.O. Box 1108

Vieques, PR 00765




© 2023 by ViequesLove

Registered 501c3 Non Profit in PR & PA

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